11 Time Periods In Assassin’s Creed, Ranked


That’s right, this is a list of all the different times in history that the Assassin’s Creed games have taken place.

There is death, taxes, and Assassin’s Creed. Fans have been able to travel through amazing historical times in Ubisoft games for almost 20 years, from Renaissance Rome to Ancient Egypt. Fans of the show have talked about all of life’s beautiful things with Perikles or learned how to fly after raiding a British village with their Viking brothers.

Going to historic sites and just imagining what life was like in different times is a lot like taking an interactive history class, but with more stabbing and more old godlike creatures. Since there are twelve major games and a huge number of spin-offs, Assassin’s Creed has been almost everywhere and at almost every time. Even though every game has a different setting, some have incredibly detailed worlds that are great for getting lost in.


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